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carbohydrate metabolism中文是什么意思

用"carbohydrate metabolism"造句"carbohydrate metabolism"怎么读"carbohydrate metabolism" in a sentence


  • 碳水化合物化谢
  • 糖代谢
  • 糖类代谢, 碳水化合物代谢
  • 糖类代谢作用


  • The integration of fat and carbohydrate metabolism is of great importance in the heart .
  • Carbohydrate metabolism of the brown cotton yield organs
  • Effect of water stress on carbohydrate metabolism in cotton with varying boll size
  • Studies on bulblet development and carbohydrates metabolism in bulbs of lilium oriental hybrids grown in mountainous region
  • Influence of density and topdressing time of nitrogen fertilizer on carbohydrate metabolism in leaf and grain of large - ear cultivar of high - yielding winter wheat
  • Different low temperature treatments on lilium davidii var . unicolor were used to study the growth and changes of carbohydrate metabolism in bulbs
  • Uridine is a white , odorless powder , c9h12n2o6 , which is the nucleoside of uracil , important in carbohydrate metabolism , and used in biochemical experiments
    尿苷,白色无味粉末, c9h12n2o6 ,是尿嘧啶中的核苷,在糖类新陈代谢作用中很重要,用于生化实验中。
  • A recent study examined the effect of high - intensity interval sessions on fat and carbohydrate metabolism and lactate concentrations in cyclists who had been training two to three hours per day for years
    最近的研究证明经年累月每天训练2 ~ 3小时的自行车手接受高强度间歇训练后在脂肪和醣的代谢与乳酸浓缩的成效。
  • Results there were significant differences of maternal height , weight and the increasing of uterine height and abdominal perimeter in two groups . carbohydrate metabolism was not significantly difference during late pregnancy
用"carbohydrate metabolism"造句  


Carbohydrate metabolism denotes the various biochemical processes responsible for the formation, breakdown and interconversion of carbohydrates in living organisms.
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